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崔晓龙 研究员

20009-20047月:云南大学微生物研究所,在职博士研究生(导师:徐丽华研究员,姜成林研究员,Erko Stachbrandt教授),方向“微生物生态学与系统学”;毕业论文“青海柴达木盆地7个盐湖底泥的细菌多样性研究”荣获云南省优秀博士论文并推荐评选国家优秀博士论文。
200512-今:我和我爸的十七岁微生物生态学实验室,主要开展微生物生态学与系统学方面的研究工作;研究员,博士生导师,研究方向为“应用微生物生态学”;云南省中青年学术与技术带头人(方向:极端环境微生物生态学与系统学),云南省委联系专家成员,云南省微生物学会副理事长;200812-2015年任我和我爸的十七岁常务副所长;中国微生物学会、伯杰氏国际微生物系统学学会(BISMiS)会员,并作为《云南大学学报(自然科学版)》编委, 以及International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, Current Microbiology, 《中国科学》, 《微生物学报》, 《生态学报》等13个刊物论文的审阅人;参与编著出版Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (2nd Edition)、“分子生态学”等专著3部(章),获得授权发明专利、实用新型专利10余项;发表论文100余篇(SCI源论文50余篇)。
19987-199812月:波兰科学院免疫学与实验疗法研究所前往波兰科学院免疫与实验疗法研究所(Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences),在Marian Mordarski教授及Jolanta Zakrzewska-Czerwinska教授的指导下,进行放线菌系统分类学研究和分子生物学的学习;访问学者。
20028-20039月:前往德国生物技术研究中心(GBF-German Research Center for Biotechnology)中的德国微生物与细胞保藏中心(DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbH (Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH)),在著名细菌系统学、分子生态学家Erko Stackebrandt教授和著名放线菌分类学家Reiner M Kroppenstedt教授的实验室进行合作研究;访问学者。
主要研究方向为各种(极端)环境微生物生态学与系统学(主要是高温、高盐环境与水环境),以及微生物资源的收集、保藏、整理与评价;目前主要开展以下几方面的研究工作:云南(西部)各种(极端)环境微生物的多样性;(极端)环境微生物的系统学研究;(极端)环境未培养微生物(as-yet uncultured microorganisms)的可培养策略(cultivation strategy)研究;水生生态系统微生物群落研究;沼气厌氧发酵过程微生物群落时空动态与环境因子的相关性;植物微生物组(phytomicrobiome)及其植物益生菌(plant probiotics)的开发与利用研究;此外,着手开展极端环境微生物的起源与进化研究。
○肖炜、崔晓龙、王永霞等:古老岩盐沉积中的噬菌体多样性及其基因组和宿主域研究(国家自然科学基金项目;31200138/C010804 2013-012015-1223万;结题)。
1. 崔晓龙*, 徐丽华, 姜成林. 2004. 分子生态学(第五章), pp 161-212. In 放线菌现代生物学与生物技术, 刘志恒, 姜成林主编. 北京:科学出版社.
2. Cui, X.-L. 2012. Chapter 5 Genus Streptomonospora, pp. 1908-1914. In Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Vol. 5, 2nd edition, The Actinobacteria, Part B, Michael Goodfellow, Peter Kämpfer, Hans-Jürgen Busse, Martha Trujillo, Ken-ichiro Suzuki, Wolfgang Ludwig and William B. Whitman (Eds.). Published by Springer, New York. ISBN 978-0-387-95043-3.
1. Cui*, X.-L., Wei R.-C., Huang R.-F. 1996. A study on the breeding system of Amomum tsao-ko. In: Wu T.-L., Wu Q.-G., Chen Z.-Y. eds. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Family Zingiberaceae. Guangzhou: Zhongshan University Press. 288–296.
2. Chen, Y.-G., X.-L. Cui*, R. Pukall, H.-M. Li, Y.-L. Yang, L.-H. Xu, M.-L. Wen, Q. Peng, and C.-L. Jiang. 2007. Salinicoccus kunmingensissp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from a salt mine in Yunnan, southwest China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 57: 2327-2332 (October1, 2007).
3. Chen, Y.-G., X.-L. Cui*, W.-J. Li, L.-H. Xu, M.-L. Wen, Q. Peng, and C.-L. Jiang. 2008. Salinicoccus salitudinis sp. nov., a new moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from a saline soil sample. Extremophiles 12(2): 197-203.
4. Chen,Y.-G., X.-L. Cui*, D. Fritze, L.-H. Chai, P. Schumann, M.-L. Wen, Y.-X. Wang, L.-H. Xu, and C.-L. Jiang. 2008. Virgibacillus kekensis sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from a salt lake in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 58: 647-653.
5. Chen, Y.-G., X.-L. Cui*, R. M. Kroppenstedt, E. Stackebrandt, M.-L. Wen, L.-H. Xu, and C.-L. Jiang. 2008. Nocardiopsis quinghaiensis sp. nov., isolated from saline soil in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 58: 699-705.
6. Chen,Y.-G., X.-L. Cui*, Y.-Q. Zhang, W.-J. Li, Y.-X. Wang, L.-H. Xu, Q. Peng, M.-L. Wen, and C.-L. Jiang. 2008. Gracilibacillus halophilus sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from saline soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 58: 2403-2408.
7. Chen, Y.-G., X.-L. Cui*, Y.-Q. Zhang, W.-J. Li, Y.-X. Wang, L.-H. Xu, Q. Peng, M.-L. Wen, and C.-L. Jiang. 2008. Gracilibacillus quinghaiensis sp. nov., isolated from salt-lake sediment in the Qaidam Basin, north-west China. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 31(3): 183-189.
8. Chen, Y.-G., X.-L. Cui*, Y.-Q. Zhang, W.-J. Li, Y.-X. Wang, C.-J. Kim, J.-M. Lim, L.-H. Xu and C.-L. Jiang. 2008. Salinimicrobium terrae , sp. nov., isolated from saline soil, and emended description of the genus Salinimicrobium.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 58: 2501-2504.
9. Huang, H.-Y., Y.-G. Chen, Y.-X. Wang, J.-H. Liu, S.-K. Tang, Q. Peng, M.-L. Wen, H. Yu and X.-L. Cui*. 2008. Halomonas sediminis sp. nov., a new halophilic bacterium isolated from salt-lake sediment in China.Extremophiles 12: 829-835.
10. Chen, Y.-G., X.-L. Cui*, Y.-Q. Zhang, W.-J. Li, Y.-X. Wang, L.-H. Xu, M.-L. Wen,Q. Peng and C.-L. Jiang. 2009. Paraliobacillus quinghaiensis sp. nov., isolated from salt-lake sediment in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 59: 28-33.
11. Chen, Y.-G., X.-L. Cui*, Y.-X. Wang, Y.-Q. Zhang, Q.-Y. Li, Z.-X. Liu, M.-L. Wen, Q. Peng and W.-J. Li. 2009. Salinicoccus albus sp. nov., a halophilic bacterium from a salt mine in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 59: 874–879.
12. Chen, Y.-G., X.-L. Cui*, Y.-X. Wang, S.-K. Tang, Y.-Q. Zhang, W.-J. Li, J.-H. Liu, Q. Peng and Li-Hua Xu. 2009. Psychroflexus sediminis sp. nov., a mesophilic bacterium isolated from salt lake sediment in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 59: 569–573.
13. Chen, Y.-G., X.-L. Cui*, Q.-Y. Li, Y.-X. Wang, S.-K. Tang, Z.-X. Liu, M.-L. Wen, Q. Peng and L.-H. Xu. 2009. Saccharospirillum salsuginis sp. nov., a novel gammaproteobacterium from a subterranean brine. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 59: 1382–1386.
14. Chen, Y.-G., X.-L. Cui*, Y.-X. Wang, Y.-Q. Zhang, S.-K. Tang, W.-J. Li, Z.-X. Liu, M.-L. Wen and Q. Peng. 2009. Virgibacillus sediminis sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from a salt lake in China.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol59(8): 2058–2063.
15. Wang, Z.-G., Y.-X. Wang, J.-H. Liu, Y.-G. Chen, X.-X. Zhang, M.-L. Wen, L.-H. Xu, Q. Peng and X.-L. Cui*. 2009. Fodinibacter luteus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from a salt mine in Yunnan.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 59: 2185–2190.
16. Wang, Y.-X. J.-H. Liu, X.-X. Zhang, Y.-G. Chen, Z.-G. Wang, Y. Chen, Q.-Y. Li, Q. Peng and X.-L. Cui*. 2009. Fodinicurvata sediminis gen. nov., sp. nov. and Fodinicurvata fenggangensis sp. nov., poly-β-hydroxybutyrate-producing bacteria in the family Rhodospirillaceae. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 59: 2575-2581.
17. Wang, Y.-X., Z.-G. Wang, J.-H. Liu, Y.-G. Chen, X.-X. Zhang, M.-L. Wen, L.-H. Xu, Q. Peng and X.-L. Cui*. 2009. Sediminimonas qiaohouensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the Roseobacter clade in the order Rhodobacterales.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 59: 1561–1567.
18. Liu, J.-H., Y.-X. Wang, X.-X. Zhang, Z.-G. Wang, Y.-G. Chen, M.-L. Wen, L.-H. Xu, Q. Peng and X.-L. Cui*. 2010. Salinarimonas rosea gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the α-2 subclass of Proteobacteria.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 60: 55-60.
19. Wang, Y.-X., J.-H. Liu, Y.-G. Chen, X.-X. Zhang, Z.-G. Wang, Y. Chen, S.-P. Tian, B. Hu and X.-L. Cui*. 2010. Amorphus orientalis sp. nov., an exopolysaccharide-producing bacterium isolated from salt mine sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 60: 1750-1754.
20. Tian, S.-P., Y.-X. Wang, B. Hu, X.-X. Zhang, W. Xiao, Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lai, M.-L. Wen, and X.-L. Cui*. 2010. Litoribacter ruber gen. nov., sp. nov. an alkaliphilic and halotolerant bacterium isolated from a soda lake sediment in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 60(12): 2996-3001.
21. Wang, Y.-X., J.-H. Liu, W. Xiao, X.-X. Zhang, Y.-Q. Li, Y.-H. Lai, K.-Y. Ji, M.-L. Wen, and X.-L. Cui*. 2012. Fodinibius salinus gen. nov., sp. nov., moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from a salt mine. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 62: 390–396.
22. Xiao, W., Y.-X. Wang, J.-H. Liu, Z.-G. Wang, X.-X. Zhang, K.-Y. Ji, Y.-H. Lai, M.-L. Wen, and X.-L. Cui*. 2012. Roseivivax sediminis sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from salt mine sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 62(8): 1890–1895.
23. Xiao, W., Z.-G. Wang, Y.-X. Wang, M. A. Schneegurt, Z.-Y. Li, Y.-H. Lai, S.-Y. Zhang, M.-L. Wen, X.-L. Cui*. 2013. Comparative molecular analysis of the prokaryotic diversity of two salt mine soils in southwest China. J Basic Microbiol 53: 1–11.
24Zhao, M., W. Xiao, Y. Ma, T.-T. Sun, W.-X Yuan, N. Tang, D.-L. Zhang, Y.-X. Wang, Y.-L. Li, H.-J. Zhou*, X.-L. Cui*. 2013. Structure and dynamics of the bacterial communities in fermentation of the traditional Chinese post-fermented pu-erhtea revealed by 16S rRNA gene clone library. World J Microbiol Biotechnol 29: 1877–1884.
25. Wang, Y.-X., Y.-P. Li, J.-H. Liu, W. Xiao, Y.-H. Lai, Z.-Y. Li, Z.-G. Ding, M.-L. Wen, X.-L. Cui*. 2013. Gracilimonas mengyeensis sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from a salt mine in Yunnan, south-western China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 63, 3989–3993.
26. Wang, Y.-X., J.-H. Liu, W. Xiao, X.-L. Ma, Y.-H. Lai, Z.-Y. Li, K.-Y. Ji, M.-L. Wen, X.-L. Cui*. 2013. Aliifodinibius roseus gen. nov., sp. nov., and Aliifodinibius sediminis sp. nov., two moderately halophilic bacteria isolated from salt mine samples. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 63: 2907-2913.
27. Wang, Y.-X., W. Xiao, M.-H. Dong, Q. Zhao, Z.-Y. Li, Y.-H. Lai, X.-L. Cui*. 2014. Halomonas qiaohouensis sp. nov., isolated from salt mine soil in southwest China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 106(2): 253–260.
28. Dong, M.-H., W. Yan, Q.-M. Li, G.-L. Tian, B. Yang, Y.-J. Li, L.-J. Zhang, Y.-X. Wang, W. Xiao, F. Yin, X.-L. Zhao, W.-D. Zhang*, X.-L. Cui*. 2015. Investigation of methanogenic community structures in rural biogas digesters from different climatic regions in Yunnan, southwest China. Curr Microbiol 70: 679–684.
29. Zhang, S.-Y., W. Xiao, Y.-S. Xia, Y.-X. Wang, X.-L. Cui*, N.-M. Zhang*. 2015. Arenimonas taoyuanensis sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from rice-field soil in China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 107: 1181–1187.
30. Fu, C.Q., Q. Zhao, Z.?Y. Li, Y.?X. Wang, S.?Y. Zhang, Y.?H. Lai, W. Xiao*, X.?L. Cui*. 2105. A novel Halomonas ventosae?specific virulent halovirus isolated from the Qiaohou salt mine in Yunnan, Southwest China. Extremophiles DOI 10.1007/s00792-015-0802-x.
31. Wang, Y.-X., Y.-P. Liu, Q.-Q. Huo, Y.-P. Li, F.-Y. Feng, W. Xiao, Z.-G. Ding, Y.-H. Lai, X.-L. Cui*. 2016. Mongoliibacter ruber gen. nov., sp. nov., a haloalkalitolerant bacterium of the family Cyclobacteriaceae isolated from a haloalkaline lake.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 66: 1088-1094.
32. Tian, G.-L., Q.-M. Li, M.-H. Dong, Y. Wu, B. Yang, L.-J. Zhang, Y.-J. Li, F. Yin, X.-L. Zhao, Y.-X. Wang, W. Xiao, X.-L. Cui*, W.-D. Zhang*. 2016. Spatiotemporal dynamics of bacterial and archaeal communities in household biogas digesters from tropical and subtropical regions of Yunnan Province, China. Environ Sci Pollut Res, DOI 10.1007/s11356-016-6265-5.

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